Friends, I am happy to invite you to my Substack NOTE
It is a new space on Substack where I will be publishing short-form posts, and sharing ideas with you my dear readers, and other writers. Let us start buzzing here. Engage, comment and let me know what in #GriefWise you want me to write about.
OOPS though … my Substack NOTE is not starting on a very happy note.
#COVID has come visiting me - a fourth time.
First was during the deadly delta wave in 2021. It was a critical encounter that kept me in ICU for over a month, and in long-corona for six months thereafter. And left behind multiple lasting post-covid effects. and then there were two milder ones, with an accident and a couple of flu bouts in between.
The one this time is thankfully no-risk. Pretty tough and bad though.
I am self-isolating at home. Speaking is tough on my badly sore throat and distressed lung. So vocals will be on leave for a while. Bad news for my son, friends and clients. Reading, writing, watching TV are tough on my teary eyes. So you will have to wait for my next post for sometime.
May be now is the time for you to pour over again on some of my old posts.
Perhaps you may like to revisit -
the last one on Spring and grief or
the one before that on Grief and Gender or
the one on A Language for Grief or
on Healing your Grief-WHYs or
any other post that evokes deeper resonance in you.
Until I recover and return soon, savour this picture that I call “Flowers do bloom in ruins”. I clicked it last March on my walk at Delhi’s Old Fort. And it popped up in my iPhone’s feature photos today. Such beautiful synchronicity!
What synchronicities are playing up in your life? And how do you like this picture? Let me and other readers know in comments
Meanwhile, happy to share that my dear friends that HOPE, RESILIENCE & music are keeping me good company.
“High rests on low.
Storm or flood, river stays in flow.
The cloudburst that ravages,
is followed by magnificent rainbow.
The landslide that rips the earth open,
has the spring water on us bestow.”
~ Neena Verma,
Grief ~ Growth ~ Grace – A Sacred Pilgrimage , Page 142
Do share about the river(s) that keep flowing in your life, through storm or sunshine.
Friends, I so value your support in spreading Grief-Wisdom. Keep your love pouring, and
far & wide, especially with those on grief journey &/or helping professionals who work with those in grief.
God willing, I will be back soon in your service as your ‘Grief & Growth’ Companion, Counsellor & Coach; and Resilience Coach. Please keep buzzing here in comments or connect privately at
If you like to read books, here are mine -
Grief ~ Growth ~ Grace – A Sacred Pilgrimage
A Mother’s Cry .. A Mother’s Celebration
Read yourself &/or gift to someone grieving, or grief practitioners. And do remember to post your review on Amazon , Goodreads & social media.
Friends, conversations about the complex & multi-layered topics of grief, post-traumatic growth & resilience are much-needed but sorely-missing from our personal & social spaces. I write about these so you can allow your grief a healing expression, and find the way to resilience, post-traumatic growth & meaningful re-emergence in life.
This newsletter is public & free. Please share it far & wide.
And SUBSCRIBE if it has come to you as a forward & resonates with you.
Be well friends & remember to HOPE, LOVE and SMILE.
PS - COVID is not over yet. Stay careful, safe, healthy, happy & bright.
While catching up- I realize I missed this post of when you had covid #2. It makes sense that I did not see it, since I was recovering from a harsh affliction of RSV at that time, which hit me harder than my January Covid . Onward and upward to us both to be blessed with good health now and forever!🙏❤️
Some find hope while others become hope-less in despair. Depends on how strong you are and how much support you get.